Name: Teah
Age: 20
Hometown: Las Vegas, NV
Favorite Color: Orange & Brown
Favorite Brand/Designer: Free People!!
Spirit Animal: Mustang
Song/Band Currently Stuck in Your Head: Built to Spill (Randy Described Eternity)

Signature Accessory: My Erica Weiner harmonica necklace or vintage horse pendant (***as seen in the picture above, along with Teah's spirit animal)
What do you Love About Iowa City: The small town atmosphere... and of course, the people!
Dogs or Cats: Dogs...plus my cat :). And my bunny. (***Please note that we considered changing the name of this post to "A blog about Teah's pets")

Current Beauty Product Obsession: Woodland Pine & Ginseng Kiss My Face Bodywash (Lovin' that stress relief!!)
How would you describe your style? Hmmm....Southwestern Bohemian??
Lovin all of it!! Can't wait to see to see the beautiful ring!