Monday, April 30, 2012

Geranium Jewelry Mother's Day Trunk Show at Revival!

Aren't moms just the absolute best? 

We certainly think so!

Whether you are a mom, or need a perfect gift for yours, come celebrate at Revival's Geranium Jewelry Mother's Day Trunk Show!

One of our most favorite jewelry brands, Geranium Jewelry from St. Louis, MO will be showing their entire 2012 line. Oh yes, it is gorgeous!

Saturday, May 5th. 10 AM - 6 PM at Revival & Revival Online

Come early for mimosas with the Shopgirls from 10-12 pm!

Gifts and discounts will given out all day on all Revival items!

We love parties almost as much as we love our mamas, so come visit dolls! It will be fun!
Geranium Sneak Peeks will be shown on Facebook all week and we will be taking pre-sale phone orders.  See more details on Revival's Facebook Page.  

xoxo- Shopgirl A 

Friday, April 20, 2012

Very Vintage. Oh My! New Vintage at Revival Online!

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Bold Colors, Bright Flowers,
Now Available for You!

Hurray! New Springtime Vintage at Revival Online.

(not exactly vintage, but certainly vintage inspired)

New items added every week, dolls!

xoxo-Shopgirl A

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Midis and Midriffs: Tuesday Yea or Nay

Having only recently recovered from our very own swinging Mission Creek Festival (every year we say the same thing...we are getting to old for these late nights), we couldn't wait to see what the fashion scene would be like at the 'to cool for school,' quirky grandmother of them all, Southern California's Coachella festival.

(getty images)

After the first weekend, up pops this hot and spicy, midi and midriff little number. Both fun and ladylike at the same time, who knew that a little skin could look so conservative! The high waist of the skirt makes this look surprisingly wearable by most us non-six-packing-possessing ladies. Love the print, love the shoes, love the 1940's bathing suit slice of midriff.

We call ADORABLE! What about you? Midis and midriffs....Yea or Nay? Love this look?

xoxo-Shopgirl A

Friday, April 13, 2012

Revival Street Spot: Revival's Anchors Away Carryall

Photographed by Mark Iantosca

Just trolling through one of our favorite blogs, Refinery 29, when lo and behold...spotted on the streets of NYC - our very own Anchors Away Canvas & Faux Leather tote. Can you imagine anything more perfect for Spring?

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Sheila Styles: Zig Zag En Fuego Sun Dress

We threw down a challenge for Shop Owner Sheila! One garment, 3 different looks. As per usual, she rose to the challenge and styled three different outfits built around our sunny, bright Zig Zag En Fuego Dress ($32), available exclusively at Revival Online!

Look One: Laurel Canyon Lovely

Mix one part pretty with a large dash of funky and you get Laurel Canyon Lovely- an adorable style. Free and easy, this is ideal for the gal who goes her own way...or at least dreams of Coachella and beach parties.

Zig Zag En Fuego Dress ($32 : available at Revival Online)
Southwestern Leather Belt ($8 : available in store or via phone order)
Vintage Chisolm Cowgal Boots, Sz 8 ($36 : available in store or via phone order)
Erica Weiner Weird Science Necklace ($56 : available at Revival Online)

Look 2 : Campus Co-ed Cute

Eclectic but finished, you will look like such an adorable smarty-pants in this great outfit. Our Holier than Thou cardigan adds a dash of practicality, so you will look even smarter in this unpredictable Iowa weather!

Zig Zag En Fuego Dress ($32 : available at Revival Online)
Holier than Thou Crochet Cardigan Sweater ($36 : available at Revival Online)
Vintage Sky High Moto Boots, Sz 9.5 ($42 : available in store or via phone order)
Erica Weiner Terrarium Necklace ($40 : available at Revival Online)
Skinny Minnie Belt in Brown ($8 : available at Revival Online)

Look 3: Fireball Urban Sophisticate

Clearly this gal has very important places to be. Why else would she look so cool? Look 3 takes this cute, mini dress and transforms it into a fantastic tunic- perfect over a pair of skinny jeans or jeggings. Throw on a classic trench....instant VIP.

Zig Zag En Fuego Dress ($32 : available at Revival Online)
Active Basics Jeggings ($26 : available in store or via phone order)
Michelle D Brown Croc Flats, Sz 7 ($16 : available in store or via phone order)
Vintage Braided Leather Belt ($16 : available in store or via phone order)
Linn Street Vintage Locket by Revival Custom Made ($18 : available at Revival Online)
TAE Classic Khaki Trench ($52 : available in store or via phone order)

Shop Owner Sheila has come to the rescue again!! Come back for next week's 'Sheila Styles' feature!!

xoxo-Shopgirl A

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Local Artisan: Botny Hand Drawn Earrings

While artist Dana Holscher isn't exactly local to Iowa City, the Fargo, North Dakota based designer of Botny Hand Drawn Earrings is in spirit (if we do say so ourselves). Each pair of adorable stud earrings is hand drawn by Holscher in colored pencils for a bright POP of color. And kazaam! You have the perfect colorful addition to any outfit. Available for purchase both in store and at Revival Online!

Don't forget that until Thursday April 13th, take 20% any
Revival Online purchase with promo code STARTITUP.

Botny- adorable, affordable, and local! Just like Revival.

xoxo-Shopgirl A

Thursday, April 5, 2012

20% Off at Revival Online: Let's Get This Party Started Right

Hey friends! We have just launched our very own online store, Revival Online, this week! Featuring vintage, new items, and gads of accessories, we dare you NOT to find something you love. To raise the ante (and because we are sooooo excited) we are offering 20% off ALL purchases at Revival Online today through next Thursday.

Just enter the promocode : STARTITUP when you are checking out.

We are adding new items weekly! Darling dresses, jazzy jewels, and vintage, vintage, vintage, dahling.

Brand New This Week! Check it!

Wise Owl Cocktail Ring : $18

Seriously Smoking East Indian Lattice Cuff : $22

Tin Roof Dangle Earrings : $12

Verdigris Firefly Necklace from Ornamental Things : $38

Colorbomb Mini Droplet Earrings: $14

Seriously...lets get this party started right!!! Next week is all local week, so come back to check out some Iowa City exclusives.

xoxo-Shopgirl A

Thursday Drool: Parisian Vintage Bar Stools

As if Shopgirl Sam's recent jaunt to Paris wasn't enough to drool over, she spied these to-die-for vintage bar stools at Le Marche aux Puces de Saint-Ouen, the famous Parisian flea market. Mixing two of our favorite things, red and unexpected florals, we couldn't dream up dreamier bar stools. Alas, Shopgirl Sam lacked a Mary Poppins-style bottomless carry-on and in Paris they stayed.

Sigh...if only we had a ticket to Paris and a bar to put them at...Drool on, droolers!

xoxo-Shopgirl A

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Why, I Could NEVER Trade...My Three Strand Pearl Necklace & Vintage Chanel Pumps

New mom, vintage maven, and Austin-based Revival doll Maggie, queen of the Blue-Eyed Baking Studio blog, would NEVER trade her beloved 3 strand pearl necklace or vintage gold Chanel pumps (greatest find ever)

"I found the heels while shopping at a resale shop in Indianapolis with my mom. Lovely- a demure style paired with a flashy color. (My husband) Kevin found the pearls in North Carolina and gave them to me for Christmas. When I wear them I feel sophisticated and gorgeous and they remind me of my darling husband. I also look forward to seeing Vivienne, my daughter, wear them one day, only if she asks first of course..."

We would LOVE to see the special items you could never part with. Email us your NEVER trade-ables, and a few words on why you love them, at and we will post them!

Not sure what we are talking about? Click here for more info on Revival's trade system.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Captain of the Style Ship: Meet ShopOwner Sheila!

Shop Owner Sheila was just 27, and newly returned to her home town from the fashion world of New York, when she jumped off that small business cliff and opened up Revival on Linn Street in 2003. Since then she has watched her little-store-that-could move into a new location on the Ped Mall and double in size. Shop owner Sheila is the bold captain of our beloved Revival ship, the chef that sets the menu here, and all the Shopgirls agree, perhaps the greatest boss of all time.
(in front of the new store)

An ardent localist and mom to Oni (the next generation of Revival style mavens), she prefers to mix style classics with unique handmade pieces. Any fashion questions? Always ask Sheila- she just knows...

Name: Sheila Davisson

Age: 35

Hometown: Iowa City

Favorite Color: green

Favorite Fabric: cotton jersey

Favorite Brand/Designer: Marc Jacobs

Signature Accessory:
diamond studs – a gift from my husband Pete

Favorite Drink/Cocktail: vodka soda with lime

(photo courtesy of Dewey Street Photo Company)

Spirit Animal: owl, of course...see the tattoo above!

What do you Love About Iowa City: Big city brain, small community feel!

Most delicous Iowa City eat: so hard…. Leaf Kitchen for lunch, Lincoln Café for dinner

What are Five Staple Items that Should be in Every Girl's Closet?:

  • a leather bag slouchy and tan
  • a long locket with something special in it
  • classic trench coat
  • bright printed scarf
  • chucks for the weekend

Favorite Spring Revival Item: BAGGU gray stripe backpack

Current Beauty Product Obsession: Skincenticuls Overnight Cream

The Greatest Style Advice You ever Received? :"Always be comfortable in what you are wearing, no tugging or adjusting!"

Look for more style suggestions from our Captain coming soon!

xoxo-Shopgirl A

Introducing: Revival Custom Made

A huge, heavy book once said, "Old things are passed away, all things become new."

Any lover of vintage knows this to be true - take a beautiful old dress, zip it up, and it is instantly infused with new life. That is no 'old dress' any longer, that is your hot, new dress with an old soul!

This is the spirit behind Revival's new jewelry pieces. Hand constructed from vintage findings right here in Iowa City, these necklaces are fresh style staples for every modern wardrobe. Our pieces are named after Iowa City streets and landmarks, as we love the IC even more than vintage (which is muy mucho). Chic, affordable, and locally-made; just like Revival :)

Revival Custom Made Linn Street Vintage Locket.

Named for Linn Street, the new-business friendly downtown thoroughfare where a young Revival opened its doors in 2003, this vintage locket is set on a 28" brass chain. It opens to hold images or keepsakes.

$18 and available for purchase on our website.

Revival Custom Made Washington Street Quartz Pendant

Home of historical Englert Theater, and locales as varied as Public Space One and The Java House, Washington Street is represents Iowa City's unique blend of tradition and innovation. Our quartz pendant, set on a 28" silver chain, is a new classic that will never go out of style.

$18 and available for purchase on our website.

Look for more to come, friends. We have so much happening at Revival and Revival Online!

xoxo-Shopgirl A

Monday, April 2, 2012

It is a Miracle! Revival Online is Open for Business

Hey dolls and friends! We have been a bit quiet on the blog this past week because we have been nose/grindstone in order to launch our very own online store. After weeks of photography lessons, hair yanking over formats, and unproductive, late-night giggle sessions, we are LAUNCHED! Just like Revival, we are featuring new clothing, a little vintage, and a ton of great accessories from our favorite brands, including our own line Revival Custom Made.

Here are a few highlights:

Vintage Sunny Side Up Knit Skirt
$14 - click here to see more details

Revival Custom Made Linn Street Vintage Locket
$18 - click here to see more details

Alternative Apparel Chevron Pocket Tank -Cobalt
$38 - click here to see more details

Stop on by and take a look and please let us know what you think!!!

xoxo-Shopgirl A