Why, Shopgirl Anna could never trade her silver Calvin Klein Pumps!
"I hustled these BOMB silver Calvin Klein pumps from my tres chic former roommate a couple of years ago as payment for selling some of her clothes on Ebay (sadly, there was no Revival in Brooklyn). They are an automatic good time, and I swear my legs grow two feet when I put them on. There is a beautiful scratch on the toe from dancing too well at my cousin's champagne fueled wedding."
We would LOVE to see the special items you could never part with. Email us your NEVER trade-ables at info@revivaliowacity.com and we will post them!
Not sure what we are talking about? Here is a little more info on Revival's trade system:
Trade is the answer. We chase our silky, vintage, high-end shoe, must-have accessory dragons with trade.
Here at Revival, we do not just sell clothes. Almost every day we buy, buy, buy clothes to add to our eclectic inventory. In fact, a good portion of our day is taken up by 'doing sorts;' what we call reviewing the potential merchandise customers like you bring in to sell.
Click here for a full explanation of our policies. Please be kind to us guys, we try real hard not be those Rock'n'Rose types. Although we would like take all your clothes, but we often just can't. Our selections are based on condition, season, and, most importantly, current store inventory.
Unlike many other consignment stores, Revival offers three options of payment for selling clothes- one of these being 'trade,' or store credit at Revival. Tax free and usable for up to a year, trade is a key component in a resourceful, fashion lovers revolving wardrobe. Trade is financially nifty, green, and plain good sense!
But sometimes, no matter the new item siren call, there are just certain special items that can never be traded...the beloved, the one-of-a-kind, sentimental, or simply the greatest find ever. Send us yours! We wanna know!
xoxo-Shopgirl A
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