How old are you little guys?
Roger: Well, we are both rescues, so we can only guesstimate. I am about 2, I think.
Georgie: Five-ish
What are your hobbies and interests outside of Shopkitty-ing?
Roger: Ummm, so much. I feel we just go, go, go. Looking out the window, eating, grooming, romping, playing, knocking over glasses of water...
Georgie: We like snuggling, We are really good snugglers.
Roger: Ummm, so much. I feel we just go, go, go. Looking out the window, eating, grooming, romping, playing, knocking over glasses of water...
Georgie: We like snuggling, We are really good snugglers.
Georgie: Garfield. Without a doubt.
Roger: Orange
Favorite Fabric:
Roger: I would say...anything that we can scratch their paws on.
Georgie: YEAH! I love that fabric.

Favorite Part of the Store to Hang Out In:
Georgie: Front window, or sprawled out on the floor.
Roger: I like the Christmas cactus.
Favorite Current Trend:
Roger: Short manicured nails. So much smarter looking.
Roger: Short manicured nails. So much smarter looking.
Favorite Type of Cat Music:
Georgie: Well, we really listen to a lot from different genres, but if I had to pick, defiantly jazz.
Roger: I have really been into world music lately.
Favorite TV Show:
Georgie: We really do prefer to read.
Roger: Yes, we might start a book club this summer.
Favorite Cat Treat:
Georgie: Greenies!
What would you cat signature accessory be, if you had to chose just one:
Roger: We are always nude. We do have sweet collars though.

What are your spirit animals:
Roger: It is a bumblebee. We were told that once by a palm reader.
What do you love about being the Revival Store Kitties:
Georgie: The attention and fame of course
Dogs or Mice:
Georgie: Mice
How would you describe your cat style?
Roger: Def super casual.
Georgie: Yeah, def
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